The Head of Local Government Service has launched the Service’s Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) Database at the La Palm Beach Hotel on the 7th March 2014. The well attended launch brought together Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives, Coordinating Directors, Directors, Human Resource Officers, Information Technology Officers and the general public. The HRMIS is one of the outputs of the Financial Agreement signed between the European Commission and the Government of Ghana on the 16th September 2011, with regards to the implementation of the first Component of the Ghana Decentralisation Support Programme. The purpose of the support among others is to contribute to the improvement in the performance and quality of service delivery, with a particular focus on the effective and efficient provision of basic services at the local level. To achieve the above, required the establishment of systems and processes for effective human resource management in the context of decentralisation.
The above necessitated the establishment of a comprehensive Human Resource (HR) Database. The database is to enable the Local Government Service Secretariat (LGSS), the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to make effective and efficient human resource management decisions based on credible, reliable and dependable data emanating from the local level. Again, the database will positively impact on the relationship between employees and line directors/managers by assisting the latter to be more responsive and pro-active to information needed to make informed functional decisions. Furthermore, the database would serve as a HR tool that would be more responsive and reliable to current and future information needs of staff and the Local Government Service as a whole. In other words, it will ensure the streamlining and standardizing of the Human Resources processes such as entry, promotion, exit and accurate forecasting into the future in terms of human resource planning to mention but a few.
The Software runs on the Microsoft Access database operating platform. For this reason, the end users have undergone various capacity building training programmes with the Technical Advisor and her team of consultants serving as the main resource persons. Specifically, the end users in all the ten (10) Regions have already completed training on the completion of the Personal Data Template and the overview on the Software Application among others. The training is meant to sharpen the skills of the end users of the database.
It is anticipated that by 2015, the Human Resource Management Information System would be up and running at the Secretariat, ten (10) Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) and within the two hundred and sixteen 216, MMDAs. To this end, all the end users are in joyous anticipation for the above expected date to come.