, : Twenty (20) staff of the Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) embarked on a field trip to the Adenta Municipal Assembly. The trip which was organized under the auspices of the Staff Welfare Association and in conjunction with the municipal agriculture office was to help staff living in municipal areas have firsthand knowledge of opportunities in urban and peri-urban agriculture to supplement their groceries and income.
The trip begun at the office premises of the Assembly with an interactive session between the OHLGS team led by the Director of Policy, Mrs. Lena Otoo and the Chairman of the Welfare Association, Mr Joseph Ankamah and the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Daniel Alexander Nii-Noi Adumuah and some of his key staff which included the Municipal Agric Director, Mr Fynn. The combined team then proceeded to visit and interact with some residents of the municipality who are into urban and peri-urban agriculture.
Residents interacted with included those who use their backyards and compounds for fish farming, snail rearing, vegetable cultivation, livestock rearing and mushroom production among others. The team noted with interest the level of efficiency and effectiveness in the combination of low cost materials and simple technology for production. For example, sawdust which is the main material for mushroom production is readily available and comes at no cost. Also waste water from fish farms was used for backyard farming and watering of lawns. Additionally, organic material from the kitchen can serve as food source to support snail rearing. Although the ventures that the team was exposed were not labour and capital intensive, they are economically rewarding as income supplements; source of food to cut back on household expenditures; means of leisure and most importantly an opportunity to beautify, maintain and sustain the environment.
The OHLGS and the Staff Welfare Association expresses profound gratitude to the Municipal Chief Executive, Coordinating Director and staff of the Adentan Municipal Assembly for the warm reception. The exposure from the trip has whipped up the enthusiasm staff with an affirmation to implement some of the initiatives observed.