Lecture on L. I. 1961 and its effects on Decentralization

With the passage of the L.I. 1961 which details the establishment of the Departments of the District Assemblies and merger of agencies within some MDAs, there is the need to create awareness and inform other stakeholders in the decentralization process on the effect of the L.I.

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in collaboration with the Local Government Service is organizing a public lecture on the subject:

  • TOPIC : “One step forward: The significance of L.I. 1961 in Metroplitan, Municipal and District Assemblies “Capacity Building”
  • SPEAKER: Mr. Kwamena Ahwoi, Principal Lecturer, GIMPA
  • CHAIRPERSON: DR. Christine Amoako-Nuama, Head of Policy Coordination and implementation unit-   office of the President.
  • DATE: 11th May 2010
  • VENUE: College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • TIME: 10:00am



Posted in Announcements.