The Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) has held sensitisation workshops on Inter – Service and Sectoral Collaboration and Co-operation System (ISCCS) for Heads of Departments and Agencies as well as Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organisations in the three Regions of the North. The workshops which were held at the Regional Co-ordinating Councils (RCCs) in Wa, Tamale and Bolgatanga were to improve the existing collaboration and co-operation among institutions and agencies of state for effective and efficient service delivery at the decentralised levels.

The Head of Service, Dr Nana Ato Arthur noted that effective implementation of the ISCCS would help facilitate unity of efforts, foster common understanding on development issues and how decentralisation could serve as an effective system for integrated service delivery. He said effective collaboration and co-operation at all levels would contribute to achieve government’s agenda for economic transformation.

The Regional Ministers of the Upper West, Upper East and Northern Regions lauded the Local Government Service for the initiative and called on stakeholders to embrace the system and work together for improved service delivery. They pledged to support the successful implementation of the ISCC framework.

Participants were sensitised on the operations of the System and its guiding principles; the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders; and how the system could effectively be sustainably implemented. The ISCCS was designed to address issues of overlapping, duplications and conflicts in functions, planning and implementation of programmes which arise among some RCCs, MMDAs, Ministries, Department and Agencies, Public Cooperation’s as well as state owned Enterprises.

The sensitization workshops in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions form part of a nationwide strategy to sensitise stakeholders on the ISCCS at the Regional levels.

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