Tribute To The Late John Kofi Adomako

The Head of Service Dr. Callistus Mahama had the unpleasant duty to lead the Local Government Service to lay to rest of the illustrious Co-ordinating Director for Lower Manya-Krobo Municipal Assembly at his home, Woarakose in Bosomtwe District of the Ashanti region. The late John Kofi Adomako affectionately, called Guru by his colleagues joined the Ghana Civil Service  as an Assistant Director IIB in the Administrative class and subsequently, posted to the then Agona District Assembly, now Agona West Municipal Assembly, Agona Swedru in Central region. His tour of duty took him to many Assemblies across the country and ended up in Lower Manya-Krobo in Eastern region where his untimely death occurred on the 8th April, 2015. Guru meritoriously served both the Ghanaian Civil and Local Government Services for twenty-five (25) continuous years.  The late John Kofi Adomako was survived by a wife Mrs. Victoria Adomako, and eight children. The Head of Service on behalf of the entire Local Government Service fraternity would like to wish you farewell until we meet again.

Posted in Announcements, News.