Accra-Thursday October 28, 2021: The Head of the Local Government Service, Ing. Dr Nana Ato Arthur was among dignitaries who participated in the two-day orientation programme organised for first-time appointed Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) at the Institute of Local Government Studies in Accra.

The programme seeks to help the first -time MMDCEs transition effectively into their new roles and responsibilities. Numbering 150, the participants were exposed to the Local Governance System and their expected roles as Chief Executives in the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies. They were also equipped with a thorough understanding of the legal and institutional arrangements for effective local governance as well as the leadership, managerial and administrative skills necessary for effective performance and personal conduct.

Day 1 of the orientation programme was facilitated by seasoned local governance experts and practitioners. Ing. Dr Nana Ato Arthur facilitated the technical session on Managing MMDCEs and Stakeholder Relationships. He enlightened participants on their functions as Chief Executives and their relationship with key stakeholders including the Community, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Co-ordinating Directors (MMDCDs), Members of Parliament, Assembly Members, Regional Ministers and political parties. He entreated MMDCEs to build and maintain cordial relationships with all stakeholders and exhibit professionalism in the discharge of their duties. He further disclosed that the Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) was collaborating with the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS) to develop tailor-made programmes to build the capacities of MMDCEs in leadership and management skills for improved service delivery at the local level.

Other topics treated were Introduction to Public Administration and Structures of Ghana’s Local Governance System; the Local Government Service and Human Resource Management of the MMDAs; Anti -terrorism strategy of Ghana; Managing MMDCEs –Stakeholder Relationships; Local Economic Development; the Committee System of Assemblies; the Planning and Budgeting functions of MMDAs and the Public Financial Management.

The orientation programme for the first- time appointed MMDCEs forms part of the week- long nationwide orientation for newly appointed MMDCEs.

Present at the programme were the Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, Hon. Daniel Kwaku Botwe and his three Deputy Ministers and Chief Directors at the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, and the Local Government Service.

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