The Local Government Service Secretariat (LGSS) held a special Retreat at the Eusbett Hotel in Sunyani from Tuesday, 12th to Friday 14th October, 2016. Present at the retreat were the Head of the Local Government Service, Dr. Callistus Mahama, the Chief Director, Mr. Joseph M. Dasanh, Directors and senior officers of the LGSS.
The retreat featured the monthly LGSS Management meeting in addition to presentations and discussions to review activities being implemented by Directorates of the Secretariat to ensure finalization. The Annual Action Plan and activities of the Secretariat for the year ending 2016 was also reviewed. Some of the specifics issues discussed were;
Feedback/observations on the Head of Service’s meetings with Administrative Officers in the Regions; the LGS draft communication strategy; Staff Rationalization; Feedback on HRM Monitoring in the MMDA’s; the National Public Sector Reform Strategy; Draft Guidelines/ Operational Manual for the Capacity Building Fund; Status of the LGSS 2016 AAP and a Review of 2017 Plans and Budget; status report on the Performance Management Contract; and Status report on Upgrading and conversion of HR and Procurement Officers.