UPCOMING EVENT: Roll-Out Of Training In Financial Management, Revenue Management And Social Accountability To MMDAS Outside The Scope Of LGCSP

To address the legal, regulatory, and structural weakness in the public financial management system to improve fiscal outcomes at the local level, the Local Government Service Secretariat (LGSS) is organizing training on the above to MMDAs which are not participating in the LGCSP. The training in the above areas are intended to bring MMDAs outside the scope LGCSP to the same level of understanding and appreciation of PFM practices and procedures and to ensure that all Assemblies adopt and apply uniform and consistent approaches in managing the finances at the local level.

Three (3) officers including: the Co-ordinating Director (MCD/DCD), Municipal/District Finance Officer and the Municipal/District Planning are therefore invited for a three (3) day zonal workshop scheduled as follows:

No. Region Workshop Dates Venue
1 Ashanti Arrival: Sunday 25th September, 2016 Anita Hotel, Ejisu
Workshop: Monday 26th – Wednesday 28th September, 2016
2 Eastern Region Arrival: Sunday 25th September, 2016 Anita Hotel, Ejisu
Workshop: Monday 26th – Wednesday 28th September, 2016
3 Northern & Upper East Regions Arrival: Sunday 25th September, 2016 NIM Avenue Hotel, Tamale
Workshop: Monday 26th – Wednesday 28th September, 2016
4 Brong Ahafo & Upper West Regions Arrival: Sunday 2nd October, 2016 Ecom Hotel, Techiman
Workshop: Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th October, 2016
5 Central & Western Regions Arrival: Sunday 2nd October, 2016 Elmina Beach Resort, Elmina
Workshop: Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th October, 2016
6 Greater Accra & Volta Regions Arrival: Sunday 2nd October, 2016 Freedom Hotel, Ho
Workshop: Monday 3rd – Wednesday 5th October, 2016

For further information, please contact the Director of PPBMED, LGSS, Gregory Addah, on Mobile: 0244204794.

Posted in Announcements.