ACCRA – TUESDAY JANUARY 16, 2018: The Head of Local Government Service, Dr. Nana Ato Arthur attended the 69th Annual New Year School & Conference organised by the Institute of Adult Education, University of Ghana, Legon. The theme for the progamme was Job Creation for Accelerated National Development: The Role of the Private Sector.
On day 3, Dr. Arthur chaired the session on “Private Sector Participation in Local Governance for Job Creation”. Opening the session, he said the private sector had a critical role to play in the implementation of the government’s agenda for economic growth and job creation; and indicated the need to deepen the collaboration between government and the private sector to ensure co-ordination of efforts to avoid duplication.
Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyapong, the Executive Chairman of Jospong Group of Companies was the speaker for the session chaired by the Head of the Local Government Service. Dr. Agyapong called for pro-activeness in doing business; and underscored the need to patronise ‘made in Ghana goods’. He urged indigenous businesses to adopt technology; and expose their staff to best practices and sharpen their skills to improve production. He called for an end to politicisation of local businesses; check influx of foreign companies especially those that import labour; and increased support to local entrepreneurs and businesses.
According to Dr. Agyapong, the way forward must include: emphasis on local content; empowerment of indigenous businesses; protection of local industries; collaboration of local businesses to undertake government projects; implement stimulus packages for local private sector; and adherence to the national agenda.
The 5days programme ended on the 18th of January, 2018.