The Office of the Head of Service of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) as part of the processes leading to the implementation of the Performance Management System (PMS) of the Local Government Service (LGS) for the year 2023, has successfully held zonal sensitization workshops for all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs).
Consequently, the OHLGS after facilitating the signing of the 2023 Performance Contract between Regional Ministers and their Coordinating Directors at the Regional level is requesting all Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) to organize the signing of the 2023 Performance Contract of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) between Monday, 27th February – 3rd March, 2023 and submit a copy of the Declaration Page (SECTION 12 of the Contract Document) to the OHLGS by Friday, 10th March, 2023.
The final copy of the Performance Contract for the MMDAs should be downloaded from the OHLGS website (
I count on the full cooperation of all Regional Ministers and their Regional Coordinating Directors to spearhead the process for a smooth implementation of the LGS Performance Management System across the Service.